Thursday, April 12, 2012
The world is in flux. We all know this. If a day goes by when we are not experiencing it ourselves, then the grapevine is there to remind us. Whether it be the morning news, a favorite newspaper subscription on a trusty Nook, or the man standing next in line at the grocery, we can be sure we will be kept abreast of the many changes around us.
For many, change is uncomfortable. Change shines a spotlight on a simple truth in life: much of life is out of our control. The anxiety of it all can be enough to keep us awake at night, feed an underlying current of tension, or flat-out scare the pants off us.
With every passing day, every passing hour, every passing minute - there is change.
So if change is going to happen regardless of our efforts, what are we to do?
It is simple, really. If we can take even three seconds to follow the breath, it brings us back to the steady rhythm that is life. When we breathe, we are nourishing our bodies. When we breathe, can ease tension. When we breathe, we are reminded that even the breath changes.
Life is not without a sense of humor.
By focusing on this steady companion - our breath - we are reminded that change is natural. It is worthy of our observation. And it has a rhythm that we all share.
Give it a try. Before flying out of bed each morning, simply take three breaths. Perhaps notice the temperature of the air entering your nostrils and the temperature of the air as it leaves your body. Three small, mindful breaths in the morning. That change, at least, isn't so bad after all.