It is all well and good for couples to know that many parents experience less connection in their marriage. Add jobs, housework, stress and it makes it even more difficult to connect in your marriage. Honestly, how many parents of young children even have the energy at the end of the day for some serious connecting? offers these 10 tips to spice up your marriage.
1. Hold hands
2. Be romantic at home - Romance doesn't necessarily mean anything grand. Being loving can be very simple.
3. Make sex a priority - I would change that to make sensuality a priority. Never know where a good back rub might take you.
4. Do some little gesture just because - A man I know brings his wife a cup of tea every night. Every single night for over 30 years. Little gestures add up to something wonderful.
5. Pretend you just met - Get to know each other on a date. Yes, a real date where you go out, without spilled apple juice on your clothes, and talk about things that interest you - not how to get your picky eater to start liking broccoli.
6. Feel good about yourself - if you don't, do something about it!
7. Get dressed up - A friend has a running joke with her husband. He says, "You're wearing make-up. What friends are we seeing tonight?"
8. Compliment your spouse - Everyone likes a compliment. Don't go fishing for one, give one first.
9. Let your partner know what makes you feel special - Sometimes what feels special changes over time. Start by asking your partner what makes him or her feel special.
10. Communicate - anyway you can. Text, notes tapes to the microwave, etc. - One busy couple I know uses a notebook to write notes back and forth. Sometimes they are family business. Sometimes cute doodles. But it is connection when their schedules are full.
Be well,